Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Semester, New Purpose

Hello My Readers!

I have been busy with the beginning of a new semester at Gallaudet University. I hope it will be a great semester for me, balancing school and my other passions (such as this blog). I am excited to have a schedule of classes that will focus entirely on my major Government and minor English. I will be taking two classes about International government and since that will be an area to explore for me, I hope to incorporate some information in this blog also.

So, what will be new this semester about my blog's content? My goals this semester are to:

  • Continue to do Vlogs and interviews in ASL with a variety of people examining the spectrum of politics.
  • Fundraise the money to renovate my blog so to make it even more accessible for new readers. I hope to include a section that will make it easier for deaf people to know how to register to vote, where to go for that, and how they may be involved with local politics.
  • Increase greater awareness of Deaf Youth USA and Global Reach Out organizations. I believe that both these organizations, recently formed, truly hold great potential for the young deaf community and can do a lot in terms of bringing us together for the common purpose of doing good.
  • Broaden the topics that I discuss in my blog to international issues. I will encourage discussion and understanding of foreign policy. Why? Because, like I said in this "The Deaf Community and Globalism" entry, the deaf community in one country care deeply for the welfare of deaf people in other countries.

I am proud to have been featured in Gallaudet's official blog "Inside Gallaudet" for the second time in a short period. The latest article talks about my "Local Grassroots Leadership" Award. You can see it here: Student Recognized as Grassroots Leader.

It's going to be an interesting period of time with the first 100 days of President Obama's administration. We will get to see how he performs with the heavy inheritance. In closing, I would like to say: Size matters. It's the size of your spirit that matters. Everything else is just an illusion.

Finally, I'd like to thank Toronja Willams greatly for her wonderful contribution to this blog recording the deaf perspective of such a historical event: the Inauguration!

Adieu and stay healthy!

- Leah

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