Friday, October 22, 2010

The White House’s Project’s START Now Summit: Women’s Leaders for Nuclear Security- Part Two

The second day of The White House’s Project’s START Now Summit: Women’s Leaders for Nuclear Security (TWHP) was even more AMAZING! The Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, who served as the Chief Negotiator of the New START Treaty with the Russian Federation, spoke to us about how we could become more involved in advocating for policies that would help to increase more nuclear security in our nation. In another instance, the summit has also helped me to understand that I could use nuclear diplomacy to urge other voters and lawmakers to make nuclear security a priority issue in America.

At the closing ceremony, I received my Certificate of Accomplishment for completing the 2010 Women’s leadership in Nuclear Security training, and have been officially announced as the new TWHP 2010 alumna; even one of the TWHP staff asked if I would ever run for office someday, and I enthusiastically replied “yes” and, the crowd cheered on for me! Overall, the summit has been helpful as it has prepared me for running for an elected office or for working in the nuclear security law field as a Deaf attorney in a few more years. I want to sincerely thank all TWHP staff for making this informative event possible for me!


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